Bartha, Albert, (1877–1960)

Politician. Bartha studied at the Ludovika military academy and served in the Great War, before becoming minister of war in the government of Mihály Károlyi in 1918. He was arrested under the 133-day Hungarian Soviet Republic. After the counterrevolution of 1919, he was deprived of his rank and dismissed from the army. In 1922–5, he was a military adviser in Turkey. On returning to Hungary, he published articles on economic and military subjects in various papers. He left Hungary again during the German occupation in 1944. In 1945, he joined the Independent Smallholders’ Party (FKgP) and became a member of the Provisional National Assembly. He was rehabilitated on October 1, 1945 and promoted to the rank of colonel-general. He was elected to the National Assembly on the FKgP list in the 1945 general elections. He served as defence minister from August 21, 1946 to March 14, 1947, but emigrated in December 1948 and settled in the United States in 1951.

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This page was created: Monday, 8-Dec-2003
Last updated: Monday, 8-Dec-2003
Copyright © 2003 The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

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