Kiss, Árpád (1918–1970)

Social democratic and later communist politician. Kiss was minister of light industry in 1950–54 and of chemicals and energy in 1954–6. He was on the Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers’ Party (MDP) in 1954–6. From October 26 to 31, 1956, and again in 1957–61, he was president of the National Planning Office. He also became a member of the communist party Central Committee in 1956. He was appointed president of the National Technical Development Committee in 1961, and as such, became a member of the government on April 14, 1967.

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This page was created: Friday, 5-Dec-2003
Last updated: Wednesday, Friday, 5-Dec-2003
Copyright © 2003 The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

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