Katalin Somlai


Personal information
E-mail: katalin.somlai@gmail.com
Nationality: Hungarian
Date of birth: 30.06.1968
Gender: Female

Work experience
1993 onwards Research fellow, Head of the Oral History Archive (since 2010), 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive (National Széchényi Library) and the former Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution,

1994-1997 Assistant lecturer of Italian history, Teacher Training College of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest

1993 External lecturer


1992-1993 Language teacher, Commercial and Catering College in Budapest.

1991-1992 Assistant lecturer, Italian Department of Janus Pannonius University

1990-1991 Language teacher, Leöwey Klára Secondary School in Pécs and Language Centre of Janus Pannonius University in Pécs

Education and training
2013 Final exams. Aimed title of qualification PHD Principal field Interdisciplinary Studies Organisation University of Pécs

1997-1999 Business management. University of Lincolnshire & Humberside and Foreign Commercial College in Budapest

1995-1996 Central European history. Title of qualification awarded MA, Central European University

1986-1991 Italian language and literature, History Title of qualification awarded MA, Janus Pannonius University in Pécs

Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue: Hungarian

Other languages : Italian (proficient user), English (proficient user), French (intermediate user), German (basic user), Russian (basic user)

Social skills: Team work as organiser and trainer in different teacher training seminars.
Active participant of a trekking team, as well as of a sea kayak team.

Mediating skills as the former vice-chairman of the Parents’ Board at my children’school. Interviewing skills, as part of my job.

Organisational skills: I have organised various international workshops and conferences.

Editorial skills: Was the editor of a few volume on contemporary history, as well as I’m the editor-in-chief of www.visszaemlekezesek.hu, a website on the history of the 20th century.

Olasz kisokos (Italian crib). Budapest: Animus Kiadó, 1993. Co-author.

Quattro passi in Italiano. Olasz nyelvkönyv a középiskolák számára (Italian language book for secondary school students). Budapest: Ponte Alapívány, 1994. Co-author.

Reviewed: Éva Haraszty-Taylor: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956. A collection of documents from the British Foreign Office. In: Évkönyv 1995 (Yearbook 1995). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 1995.

La diplomazia italiana e il 56 ungherese. In: Ungheria 1956. La cultura si interroga. Edited by Roberto Ruspanti. Soverio Manelli: Rubbettino Editore, 1996, 95-103.

Csen Csien: Peking és az 1956-os magyar válság (Zhen Jiang: Beijing and the 1956 Hungarian Crisis). In: Rubikon 10:1996.

1956 Kézikönyve. I. Kronológia (1956 Handbook. Vol. 1. Chronology). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 1996. Co-author of international chronology.

Trianon a marxista történetírásban (Trianon in Marxist historiography). Limes 2:2002, 51-63.

Békés megye az 1956-os forradalomban (Békés County in the 1956 Revolution). Bárka 4:2001, 34-47.

Békés megye. In: A vidék forradalma, 1956 (Revolution in the provinces, 1956). Edited by Attila Szakolczai and László Á. Varga. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Budapest Főváros Levéltára, 2003.

A vidék forradalmasodása 1956 őszén (Revolutionization in the provinces in the autumn of 1956). In: Tények és üzenetek (Facts and messages). Edited by Ádám Erdész. Gyula, 2007.

Magyarország és a nyugat. Olaszország (Hungary and the West: Italy). In: Evolúció és revolúció. Magyarország és a nemzetközi politika 1956-ban (Evolution and revolution. Hungary and international politics in 1956). Edited by Csaba Békés. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Gondolat, 2007.

Bulvármozaik (Boulevard mosaic). Review of Adrian Bingham: Gender, Modernity, and the Popular Press in Inter-War Britain. Múltunk 2:2008.

A román posztsztáliniszta szocializmus a legújabb történetírásban (Romanian post-Stalinist socialism in the latest historiography). In: Évkönyv XV (Yearbook 15). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2008.

Az elszántság gyümölcsei. Ronald Reagan: Reagan Diaries (Fruits of commitment. Review). Múltunk 4:2008.

„It was a constant game”: Consequences of dismissals among political dissidents. In. XVI International Oral History Conference. Conference Papers. CD. Edited by Pavel Mucke. Prague, 2010.

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the Soviet Bloc Countries: Reactions and Repercussions. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/ÁBTL, 2007.

Az 1956-os forradalom visszhangja a szovjet tömb országaiban (The reaction to the 1956 Revolution in the Soviet-bloc countries). Évkönyv XIV (Yearbook 14). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007.

A per. Nagy Imre és társai 1958, 1989 (The trial. Imre Nagy and associates, 1958, 1989). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Nagy Imre Alapítvány, 2008.

Csaba Békés, ed.: Az 1956-os forradalom a világpolitikában. Tanulmányok és válogatott dokumentumok. 2. rész: Dokumentumok (The 1956 Revolution in world politics. Studies and selected documents. Part 2: Documents). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet.

Federigo Argentieri: A revizionizmus fáziskülönbségei (The phase differences of revisionism). In: Világosság 10:1996.

Budapestről jelentjük... Az 1956-os forradalom az egykorú nemzetközi sajtóban (Reporting from Budapest... The 1956 Revolution in the international press of the time). Edited by János Tischler. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2006.

Az 1956-os forradalom visszhangja a szovjet tömb országaiban (The reaction to the 1956 Revolution in the Soviet-bloc countries). Évkönyv XIV (Yearbook 14). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007.

A Nagy Imre-per nemzetközi visszhangja (The international reaction to the Imre Nagy trial). In A per. Nagy Imre és társai 1958, 1989 (The trial. Imre Nagy and associates, 1958, 1989). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Nagy Imre Alapítvány, 2008.
Pocket Guide. Olasz városkalauz (Italian city guide). Budapest: iPoint, 2008.