János Rainer M. PhD.

Personal information
Born in Budapest, Hungary, July 8, 1957
Hungarian citizen

Work experience
2012- head of department, 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive (National Széchényi Library)
2010- professor of Contemporary History, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger (Hungary)
1999-2011 director, 1956 Institute Foundation
1997–9 acting director (under contract)1956 Institute Public Foundation
1993–7 deputy director of research (under contract), 1956 Institute Public Foundation
1991–3 research fellow (under contract), 1956 Institute Public Foundation
1986-99 research fellow, Institute for History of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1981-6 archivist, Budapest City Archives

Education & training
2010 Habilitation in history, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts (Budapest)
2002 Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HAS, Budapest
1997 PhD in history, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts (Budapest)
1981 MA in history , Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts (Budapest)
1976–81 student majoring in history and librarianship, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Arts (Budapest)

Teaching work
2009- Eszterházy Károly College, Eger
2005-10 University of Theatre, Film and Television, Budapest,
1997-2002 Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Department of Economic and Social History, Budapest,
1991–4 Századvég Budapest School of Politics,

Personal skills and competences
Mother language: Hungarian
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Social & organizational skills: leading institution and research projects, more than 20 years
Editorial skills: editor of more than 20 volumes

List of publications

List of publications
For the original titles of writings in Hungarian, see the Hungarian list of publications.

A. Books
1. As author

The Writer’s Place. Debates in the Hungarian Literary Press 1953–6 (in Hungarian). Budapest: Magvető, 1990, 414 pp.

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Reform—Uprising—Liberation Struggle—Reprisals. A History Reader for Secondary-School Students (in Hungarian, with György Litván, Gyula Kozák and János M. Bak). Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1991, 223 pp.

Die Ungarische Revolution 1956. Reform, Aufstand, Vergeltung (with György Litván and János M. Bak). Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 1994, 211 pp.

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Reform, Revolt and Repression 1953–1963 (with György Litván and János M. Bak). London/New York: Longman, 1996, 221 pp.

Imre Nagy. Political Biography, Vol. 1, 1896–1953 (in Hungarian). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1996, 553 pp.

Imre Nagy. Political Biography, Vol. 2, 1953–8 (in Hungarian). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1996, 486 pp.

Nagy Imre (I. N.). Budapest: Vince Kiadó, 2002.

Ötvenhat után (After ’56). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003. Edited: Múlt századi hétköznapok. Tanulmányok a Kádár-rendszer kialakulásának időszakáról (Last-century weekdays—studies of the Kádár system’s formative period). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003.

Imre Nagy: The Leader and Martyr of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Budapest, 2006, Atlantic Research and Publications Public Foundation, 68 p. (Bulletins on 1956, No. 1.)

Imre Nagy. Vom Parteisoldaten zum Martyr des ungarischen Volksaufstands. Eine politische Biographie 1896-1958. Paderborn - München - Wien - Zürich, 2006, Ferdinand Schöningh, 282 p.

Imre Nagy premjer-minisztr vengerszkoj revoljucii 1956 goda. Politicseszkaja biografija. Moszkva, 2006, Logosz, 325 p.

The Agent. Fragments on State Security and Middle Class Values in Kádárist Hungary. Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures and Societies No. 22. Trondheim, 2007.

Jelentések hálójában. Antall József és az állambiztonság emberei 1957-1989 (In a web of reports. József Antall and the state security men, 1957-89). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2008.

Imre Nagy. A Biography. London – New York, 2009, I. B. Tauris, xxvi + 258 p.


As editor, co-editor or contributor (in Hungarian)
Proceedings of the Budapest Capital City Library ’84 (editor with József Szekeres, Ferenc Gáspár, Ágnes Ságvári and Gábor Szilágyi). Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1985, 522 pp.

Hungarian History since the Liberation. 2 vols (edited by Sándor Balogh, compiled with Margit Földesi). Budapest: Kossuth, 1987. 336 + 426 pp.

Invitation to View a Corpse. 1958–88 (2nd edition, compiler). Paris and Budapest: Bibliotéka, n. d. [1989], 174 pp.

Debates of the Petőfi Circle—Based on Authentic Minutes (edited with András B. Hegedűs). Vol. 1: The Two Economic Debates. Budapest: Kelenföld Kiadó and Loránd Eötvös University, 1989, 206 pp. Vol. 2: The Philosophers’ Debate. Budapest: Kelenföld Kiadó and Loránd Eötvös University, 1989, 127 pp. Vol. 3: The Historians’ Debate. Budapest: Kelenföld Kiadó and Loránd Eötvös University, 1990, 203 pp. Vol. 4: The Partisans’ Meeting. Budapest: Múzsák and 1956 Institute, 280 pp. Vol. 5: The Teachers’ Debate, Budapest: Múzsák and 1956 Institute, 176 pp.

The Yeltsin Dossier—Soviet Documents on 1956 (edited with Éva Gál, András B. Hegedűs and György Litván). Budapest: Századvég Kiadó and 1956 Institute, 1993, 242 pp.

Decision in the Kremlin, 1956. The Debates of the Soviet Party Presidium on Hungary (edited with Vyacheslav Sereda). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1996, 256 pp.

Political transition, 1945-1949. Politics, Arts, Architecture (edited with Éva Standeisky, Gyula Kozák and Gábor Pataki). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, 346 pp.

Yearbook 1999 VII. Hungary in the Present (edited with Éva Standeisky). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1999, 457 pp.

Yearbook 2000 VIII. Hungary in the Present (edited with Zsuzsanna Kőrösi and Éva Standeisky). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, 486 pp.

Gorbachev’s Discussions with Hungarian Leaders. Documents from the Archives of the Former CPSU and Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, 1985–91 (edited with Magdolna Baráth). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, 365 pp.

History of Hungary, 1944–53—Digital History Manual (editor-in-chief with Zoltán Lux). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000 (www.rev.hu/sulinet45/index.htm).

Edited, with Zsuzsanna Kőrösi and Éva Standeisky: Évkönyv IX, 2001. Magyarország a jelenkorban [Yearbook 9, 2001. Hungary in the Present]. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2001, 310 pp.

Compiled, edited and introduced, with Csaba Békés and Malcolm Byrne. The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. A History in Documents. Budapest/New York: CEU Press, 2002, 598 pp.

Edited, with Éva Standeisky: Évkönyv X, 2002. Magyarország a jelenkorban [Yearbook 10, 2002. Hungary in the Present]. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2002, 525 pp.

Edited with Éva Standeisky: Évkönyv XI. 2003. Magyarország a jelenkorban. (Yearbook 2003—Hungary in the present). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003.

„Hatvanas évek” Magyarországon. Tanulmányok (The Sixties in Hungary. Studies). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 509 pp.

With Éva Standeisky: Évkönyv XII. 2004. Magyarország a jelenkorban (Yearbook XII. Hungary in the present period). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 509 pp.

With Gabor Gyáni, eds: Ezerkilencszázötvenhat az újabb történeti irodalomban. Tanulmányok (1956 in more recent historical literature. Studies). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007.

With Katalin Somlai, eds: The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the Soviet Bloc: Reactions and Repercussions. Budapest: 1956 Institute/Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, 2007.

With Katalin Somlai, eds: Az 1956-os forradalom visszhangja a szovjet tömb országaiban (Reaction to the 1956 Revolution in the Soviet-bloc countries). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007. (Yearbook XIV).

With Judit Topits, eds., Ötvenhat az ötvenediken. Kritikai Szemle (1956 on the 50th. Critical review). Internet content. www.rev.hu/reviews.

Edited with Alajos Dornbach, Péter Kende and Katalin Somlai: A per. Nagy Imre és társai 1958, 1989 (The trial. Imre Nagy and associates, 1958 and 1989). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Nagy Imre Alapítvány.

Edited with Pál Germuska: Évkönyv XV. Közelítések a kádárizmushoz (1956 Institute Yearbook XV. Approaches to Kádárism). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2008.

„Die Sechziger Jahre” in Ungarn. Herne, 2009, Gabriele Schaefer Verlag, 316 p.

890616 – The Anatomy of a Day
Internet content. Editor: János Rainer M., Judit Topits, Project head: Zoltán Lux, 1956-os Intézet, Budapest, 2009

B. Studies and reviews

‘Cultural and Ideological Debates: the Irodalmi Újság 1953–6’ Parts 1–3 (in Hungarian). Jelenlét, No. 10 (1982), pp. 13–31, No. 11–12 (1982), pp. 26–60, No. 13 (1983(, pp. 28–40.

‘While Writing. Debates in the Irodalmi Újság before 1956 (in Hungarian). Mozgó Világ, No. 8, 1983, pp. 90–110.

‘Literature—Politics, 1955’ (in Hungarian). In: Proceedings of the Budapest Capital City Archives ’84. Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1985, pp. 237–63.

‘Before the Recollections’ (in Hungarian). In: Proceedings of the Budapest Capital City Archives ’84. Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1985, pp. 385–6.

‘An Attempt to Quantify the Reprisals after the 1956 Revolution’ (in Hungarian, under the pseudonym Elek Fényes). In: Hungarian Pamphlets, No. 17, Paris, 1986, pp. 99–129.

‘Data on the Reprisals after the 1956 Revolution’ (in Hungarian, under the pseudonym Elek Fényes, several times reprinted). Beszélő, No. 19, 1987, pp. 43–63.

‘Care and Profession of Faith. Literary Reform Opposition in the Autumn of 1956’ (in Hungarian). Századvég, No. 4–5, 1987, pp. 61–87.

‘La repressione dopo la rivoluzione ungherese del 1956’ (under the pseudonym Elek Fényes, translated and introduced by Federigo Argentieri). Rivista di Storia Contemporanea, 1988, No. 2, pp. 332–45.

‘From Service to Committed Criticism. Literature and Politics in 1953–4’ (in Hungarian). In: Proceedings of the Budapest Capital City Archives ’88. Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1988, pp. 223–61.

‘Towards a Register of Those Executed after 1956’ (in Hungarian). In: Our Dead 1956. Budapest: Katalizátor Bureau, 1989, Vol. 2, pp. 5–18.

‘The Spirit of the Congress. Literature and Politics in the Spring of 1956’ (in Hungarian). Világosság, 1989, No. 2, pp. 121–30.

‘Homenaje a Imre Nagy’. Hungría, No. 6, 1989, pp. 4–5.

‘Chronology October 23–November 4, 1956’ (in Hungarian). História, No. 4–5, 1989, p. 28.

‘Three Returnee Books’ (book review, in Hungarian). Magyar Napló, October 27, 1989.

‘The Hot Summer of Fifty-Six. Interlude: the "Clean Sheet"’ (in Hungarian). Kortárs, No. 10, 1989, pp. 89–97.

‘The Resurrected Sources of Fifty-Six’ (book reviews, in Hungarian). Budapesti Könyvszemle, No. 2, 1990, pp. 188–94.

‘Local Political Organization in 1956: the Example of Újpest’ (in Hungarian). In: From the Siege to the Revolution. Contributions on the Past of Budapest 1945–56. Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1990, pp. 101–12.

‘Thirty-Three Years of Plot 301’ (in Hungarian). Igazság, June 16, 1990.

‘The Story of the Hungarian October’ (book review, in Hungarian). Magyar Napló, June 7, 1990.

‘Looking Back from Captivity—Imre Nagy on 1956’ (in Hungarian). Élet és Irodalom, October 12, 1990.

‘Hungarian Society on Film. Image of Society, Values and Ideology, 1948–56’ (with Gábor Kresalek, in Hungarian). Szellemkép, Nos 2 and 3, 1990.

‘Their Men in Budapest’ (book review). New Hungarian Quarterly, No. 122, 1991, pp. 131–5.

‘Demokratievorstellungen in der Ungarischen Revolution 1956’. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtwissenschaften, No. 4, 1991, pp. 118–25.

‘Imre Nagy sul 1956: uno sguardo retrospettivo dalla prigionia’ (introduction). L’Europa Ritrovata, No. 8–9, 1991, pp. 35–41. In Hungarian in A Petőfi Kör vitái… Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 7–18.

‘Revolution: Recollection and Oblivion’ (in Hungarian). Magyar Narancs, October 23, 1991, p. 1.

‘October Youths. Elemér Földváry-Boér, Attila Gerecz’ (in Hungarian, book review). Magyar Napló, No. 5, 1992, p. 39.

‘Chronicles and Sources, 1956’ (in Hungarian, book review). Budapesti Könyvszemle, No. 2, 1992, pp. 156–60.

‘Imre Nagy and the Power Centre, December 1954–July 1956’ (in Hungarian). Társadalmi Szemle, No. 6, 1992, pp. 81–8.

‘From Parliament to Fő utca. The Conceptual Path of Imre Nagy, November 4, 1956–April 14, 1957’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook I of the Documentation and Research Centre of the Hungarian Revolution, 1992. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1992, pp. 113–46.

‘1956 in Hungarian History. What Is the Message?’ (in Hungarian). Élet és Tudomány, No. 43, 1992, pp. 1347–9.

‘Budapest and the Provinces in 1956’ (in Hungarian). In: The Revolution in the Provinces, edited by Zoltán Simon. Debrecen, 1992, pp. 37–48

‘The 1956 Revolution in the Provinces’. Budapest Review of Books, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1992, pp. 64–8.

‘The Problems of De-Stalinization in Hungary, 1953–6’ (in Hungarian). História, No. 4, 1992, p. 33.

‘The Reprisals’. New Hungarian Quarterly, No. 127, 1992, pp. 118–27.

‘The Career of Imre Nagy’ (in Hungarian). Múltunk, No. 4, 1992, pp. 3–14.

‘Imre Nagy: Tragedy and Triumph. Peter Unwin: Voice in the Wilderness’ (book review). New Hungarian Quarterly, No. 128, 1992, pp. 129–33.

‘1956—from the Other Side. The "Yeltsin Dossier"’ (in Hungarian). Élet és Tudomány, No. 8, 1993, pp. 246–7 and No. 9, pp. 264–5.

‘Documents from 1956’ (book review, in Hungarian). Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregi Szemle, No. 3, 1993, pp. 337–40.

‘The Soldiers of Art’. The Hungarian Quarterly, No. 130, 1993, pp. 124–30.

‘Lies and Forgeries. Origin, Aims and Methods—The White Book of the Imre Nagy Trial’ (in Hungarian). In: Archives and Publicity 1992, edited by Gábor Kresalek. Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1993, pp. 29–42.

‘The Soviet Embassy and the 1956 Revolution’ (in Hungarian). Budapesti Negyed, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993, pp. 79–96.

‘Meditations on Imre Nagy in June 1993’ (in Hungarian). Valóság, No. 10, 1993, pp. 13–18.

‘István Bibó—A Great Political Diagnostician’. The Hungarian Quarterly, No. 132, 1993, pp. 32–40.

‘Soviet Decision-Making in Hungary in 1956’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook II of the Documentation and Research Institute of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1993, pp. 19–38.

‘Hungary in the Soviet Sphere of Influence’ (in Hungarian). In: What Is Politics? Introduction to the Realm of Politics, edited by János Gyurgyák. Budapest: Századvég Kiadó, 1994, pp. 325–61.

‘1956: Revolution? Liberation Struggle?’ (in Hungarian). Iskolakultúra, No. 6, 1994, pp. 44–7.

‘On Salutations and Speeches. For the 70th Birthday of Tibor Méray’ (in Hungarian). Beszélő, April 28, 1994, p. 15.

‘Khrushchev in Budapest, April 1958. The Anatomy of a Visit’ (in Hungarian). Budapesti Negyed, No. 2, 1994, pp. 159–90.

‘More than an Agent: Sándor Rajnai. Red Eminence’ (in Hungarian). HVG, September 17, 1994.

‘Looking Back from the West. The Irodalmi Újság and Hungary, 1957–73’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook III of the Documentation and Research Institute of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 1994. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1994, pp. 95–106.

‘Documents on the History of the Justice Service’ (book review, in Hungarian). In: Yearbook III of the Documentation and Research Institute of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 1994. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1994, pp. 309–314.

‘Sovetské dokumenty k madarské krizi 1956’. Soudobé Déjiny, No. 4–5, 1994, Prague, pp. 560–65.

‘Life and Aftermath. Sketch towards a Historical Portrait of Imre Nagy (in Hungarian, with Miklós Molnár). Valóság, No. 1, 1995, pp. 69–80.

‘Historical Memory’ (in Hungarian). Beszélő, June 15, 1995, pp. 26–7.

‘The Yeltsin Dossier: Soviet Documents on Hungary, 1956’. Cold War International History Project Bulletin, No. 5, 1995, pp. 22–7.

‘The Symbol of the Revolution, Imre Nagy’ (in Hungarian). Rubicon, No. 8, 1995, pp. 6–14.

‘The Kádár Period Turned History’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook IV of the Documentation and Research Centre of the Hungarian Revolution. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1995, pp. 27–37.

‘Imre Nagy in Soviet Exile, 1930–39’ (in Hungarian). Történelmi Szemle, No. 3, 1995, pp. 317–43.

‘The Change of System and the Recent Past. Imre Nagy, 1956 and the Democratic Transformation’ (in Hungarian). In: Power and Society in 20th-Century Hungarian History. Budapest: 1956 Institute and Osiris Kiadó, 1995, pp. 338–47.

‘De-Stalinization, Revolution and Reprisals (Contribution)’ (in Hungarian). In: Intelligentsia—Public Life—Power. Public and Scholarly Conference on 40th Anniversary of the Petőfi Circle, March 25–6, 1995, edited by Erika Banki. Budapest: TIT, 1995, pp. 38–43.

‘Soviet Documents on Hungary, 1956. A Case Study’. In: Hungary 1956, edited by Paula Hihnala and Olli Vehlinainen. Tamperen Yliopisto, 1995, pp. 80–97.

‘The Imre Nagy Trial’ (in Hungarian). História, No. 9–10, 1995, pp. 18–20.

‘Decision in the Kremlin, 1956. An Attempt to Interpret the Memoranda’ (in Hungarian). In: Decision in the Kremlin, 1956. The Debates of the Soviet Party Presidium on Hungary, edited by Vyacheslav Sereda and János M. Rainer. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1996, pp. 111–54.

‘Between Legality and Illegality. Imre Nagy in the Kaposvár Movement 1921–8’ (in Hungarian). Múltunk, No. 1, 1996, pp. 3–38.

‘The Young Imre Nagy (1896–1921)’ (in Hungarian). Századok, No. 2, 1996, pp. 229–72.

‘Imre Nagy and Soviet Communism’ (in Hungarian). Beszélő, No. 4, 1996, pp. 4–8.

‘The Road to Budapest, 1956. New Documentation on the Kremlin’s Decision to Intervene’. The Hungarian Quarterly, Nos. 142 and 143, 1996, pp. 16–31.

‘’56, si loin si proche’. Le Pont des Arts, No. 6, 1996, p. 22.

‘The Main Questions and Problems about 1956—Today’ (in Hungarian). Rubicon, No. 8–9, 1996, pp. 14–19.

‘Documenti sovietici sul ’56 ungherese’. In: Ungheria 1956. La Cultura si Interroga, edited by Ruggiero Ruspanti. Udine: Rubettino, 1996, pp. 75–85.

‘Madarska revoluce 1956’ (with Csaba Békés and Pál Germuska). Soudobé Dejiny, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1996, pp. 455–73.

‘Fragments of Our Most Recent Past (János Kenedi: A Little State-Security Reader)’ (book review, in Hungarian). Élet és Irodalom, February 1, 1997.

‘Historical Handbook—for Advanced Students. Sándor Révész: Aczél and Our Time’ (book review, in Hungarian). Holmi, No. 9, 1997, pp. 1333–7.

‘The Life Course of Imre Nagy’. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1997. Reprinted: Terry Cox, editor, Hungary 1956—Forty Years On. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1997, pp. 141–51.

‘Soviet Decision-Making, October 31–November 4, 1956’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook V, 1996–7. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1997, pp. 53–4.

‘The City: Center of Post-Revolutionary Crisis, 1957–63’. In: András Gerő and János Poór, editors, Budapest. A History from Its Beginnings to 1998. Highland Lakes, NJ: Atlantic Research and Publications Inc., 1997, pp. 233–56.

‘The Development of Imre Nagy as a Politician and a Thinker’. Contemporary European History, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1997, pp. 263–77.

‘The Crisis of the Kádár System’ (in Hungarian). Rubicon, No. 1, 1998, pp. 34–9.

‘The Vicissitudes of a (Political) Homecoming. K.P. and the Hungarian Pamphlets’ (in Hungarian). Világosság, No. 2, 1998, pp. 29–35.

‘Ex Libris. László Borhi: Compromise and Violence. October ’56 and Power. Gerő and Pető: Uncompleted Socialism. Péter Kende: My Hungary’ (in Hungarian, book review). Élet és Irodalom, March 20, 1998.

‘The Foreign-Policy Views of Imre Nagy. National Independence, Neutrality and Danube Valley Cooperation’ (in Hungarian). Társadalmi Szemle, No. 6, 1998, pp. 104–117.

‘The Beginning of a Historical Interpretation. Melinda Kalmár: Food and Marriage Portion. The Ideology of Early Kádárism’ (book review, in Hungarian). Holmi, No. 8, 1998, pp. 1185–88.

‘The Changes in Hungary and Soviet Policy 1944–8’ (in Hungarian). In: The Turning-Point Years 1947–9. Politics, Arts, Architecture, edited with Éva Standeisky, Gyula Kozák and Gábor Pataki. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, pp. 17–39.

‘Hungary in the Soviet Sphere of Influence’ (in Hungarian). In: Social History of Hungary III. 1945–89. Selected Studies, Vol. I, edited by Nikosz Fokasz and Antal Örkény. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 1998, pp. 31–6.

‘Balance Sheet of Imre Nagy’s 17 Months 1953–5’ (in Hungarian). Múltunk, No. 2, 1998, pp. 3–22.

‘Facing an Unknown Force. Imre Nagy on October 23’ (in Hungarian). Élet és Irodalom, Nos 43 and 44, 1998, pp. 1347–51 and 1384–6.

‘National Independence, Neutrality and Cooperation in the Danube Region: Imre Nagy’s Foreign Policy Ideas’. In: Ignác Romsics and Béla K. Király (editors), Geopolitics in the Danube Region. Hungarian Reconciliation Efforts, 1848–1998. Budapest: Central European University Press, 1998, pp. 281–304.

‘Stalin and Rákosi, Stalin and Hungary, 1949–53’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook VI, Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, pp. 98–101.

‘Investigation into an (Amorphous) Organization’ (book review, in Hungarian). In: Yearbook VI 1998. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, pp. 333–6.

‘Processing of the Recent Past and the "Fifty-Six Tradition"’ (in Hungarian). Világosság, No. 3, 1999, pp. 61–5.

‘Moments before the Revolution. Imre Nagy in October 1956’ (in Hungarian). Történelmi Szemle, No. 1–2, 1999, pp. 109–26.

‘The State-Security Organization and Personal History. Reflections in Front of One’s File, in Connection with Timothy Garton Ash’s Book’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook 1999 VII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, pp. 11–17.

‘Daily Lives and Life Strategies in the 20th Century. An Introduction’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook 1999 VII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, pp. 183–5.

‘Report on the Eastern European Extremities. Vostochnaya Evropa v dokumentakh rossyskikh arkhivakh 1944–1956’ (book review, in Hungarian). In: Yearbook 1999 VII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, pp. 333–40.

‘Der "Neuer Kurs" in Ungarn 1953’. In: Christoph Klessmann and Bernd Stöver (editors), 1953—Krisenjahr des Kaltes Krieges in Europa. Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 1999, pp. 71–92.

‘The Malin Notes’. In: Zsófia Zachár (editor), Encounters. A Hungarian Quarterly Reader. Budapest: The Hungarian Quarterly Society and Balassi Kiadó, 1999, pp. 189–214.

‘The Reprisals’. In: Zsófia Zachár (editor), Encounters. A Hungarian Quarterly Reader. Budapest: The Hungarian Quarterly Society and Balassi Kiadó, 1999, pp. 249–59.

‘Imre Nagy’ (in Hungarian). In: Árpád Rácz (editor), The Great Illustrated Millennium Portrait Gallery. A Hundred Portraits from Hungarian History. Budapest: Rubicon and Aquila-könyvek, 1999 (2nd e. 2000), pp. 348–55.

‘The Change of System and the Fifty-Six Tradition’ (in Hungarian). In: András Bozóki (editor), The Scenario of the Change of System. Round-Table Talks in 1989. Vol. 7. Constitutional Revolution. Studies. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000, pp. 651–8.

‘Critical Questions in Our Past—1956’ (in Hungarian). Élet és Irodalom, June 16, 2000, pp. 9–10.

‘Ungarn 1953–1956: Die Krise und die Versuche ihrer Bewaltigung’. In: András B. Hegedüs and Manfred Wilke (editors), Satelliten nach Stalins Tod. Der ‘Neue Kurs’. 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR. Ungarische Revolution 1956. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000, pp. 137–217.

‘Ungarische Revolution: Aufstand—Zerfall der Partie—Invasion’. In: András B. Hegedüs and Manfred Wilke (editors), Satelliten nach Stalins Tod. Der ‘Neue Kurs’. 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR. Ungarische Revolution 1956. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000, pp. 219–58.

‘Long March to the Top, János Kádár 1954–8’ (in Hungarian). Rubicon, No. 7–8, 2000, pp. 36–41.

‘The End of a Relationship. An Attempt at an Interpretation of the Minutes’ (in Hungarian). In: Gorbachev’s Discussions with Hungarian Leaders. Documents from the Archives of the Former CPSU and Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, 1985–91 (edited with Magdolna Baráth). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, pp. 15–33.

‘Who Is against Us? A Little Hungarian Military Coup Attempt, 1961’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook VIII, 2000. Hungary in the Present (edited with Zsuzsanna Kőrösi and Éva Standeisky). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, pp. 40–57.

‘Hungary, 1944–53 (1. Attempted Democratic Recommencement, 1944–6. 2. Communist Assumption of Power, 1946–9. The Period of Classical Stalinism, 1949–53. Proclamation of a Corrective, 1953)’ (in Hungarian). In: History of Hungary, 1944–53—Digital History Manual (editor-in-chief with Zoltán Lux). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000 (www.rev.hu/sulinet45/index.htm).

‘Hungary in the Shadow of the Soviet Union, 1944–90’ (in Hungarian, forthcoming).

‘Opening the Archives of the Communist Secret Police—the Experience in Hungary’ (forthcoming).

‘[The Path of Ideas. Antecedents and Victories]’. In: [Ideas of Hungarian Revolution. Suppressions and Victories 1956–1999]. Edited by Béla Király and Lee W. Congdon. Highland Lakes, NJ: Atlantic Research and Publications Inc., 2001, pp. 21–45.

‘[The Reburial of Imre Nagy. The Symbolic Act of the Hungarian Democratic Transformation]’. In: [Ideas of Hungarian Revolution. Suppressions and Victories 1956–1999]. Edited by Béla Király and Lee W. Congdon. Highland Lakes, NJ: Atlantic Research and Publications Inc., 2001, pp. 240–58.

‘The Development of Imre Nagy as a Politician and Intellectual’. In: György Péteri (ed.) Intellectual Life and the First Crisis of State Socialism in East Central Europe, 1953–1956. Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures and Societies, No. 6, November 2001, pp. 16–30.

Hungary 1944–1956 (edited with Pál Germuska and Zoltán Lux). In the Middle of Europe—Hungary in the Contemporary Period. 1956 Institute Multimedia CD-ROM series No. 2. Budapest: 1956 Institute. 2001.

Yearbook 9, 2001. Hungary in the Contemporary Period (edited with Zsuzsanna Kőrösi and Éva Standeisky). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2001.

Who was Kádár? On the Life of Kádár, without Anger or Prejudice. Edited by Árpád Rácz. Budapest: Rubicon-Aquila, 2001, pp. 71–7.

‘Our Castles, Our Public Affairs. János Kenedi: The Interior Ministry Document-Assessment Reports of K. from the Castle’ (review). Holmi, No. 6, 2001, pp. 581–4.

Hungary 1944–1956. Politics and Public History sections. In: Hungary 1944–1956. Edited by Pál Germuska, Zoltán Lux and János M. Rainer. Budapest: 1956 Institute.

‘In the Middle of Europe—Hungary in the Contemporary Period. 1956 Institute Multimedia CD-ROM series No. 2. 2001.

‘Ex Libris. László Borhi: Behind the Iron Curtain. Andrea Pető: Júlia Rajk. András Kő and J. Lambert Nagy: Kossuth tér, October 25, 1956. Military Trials, 1945–1958’. Élet és Irodalom, October 19, 2001, p. 23.

‘Fifty-Six—in Ninety-Nine’. Népszava, October 22. 2001

‘Our Spies in Oxford Street. Case Studies from the History of Hungarian Intelligence, 1957–67’. Yearbook 9, 2001. Hungary in the Contemporary Period. Edited by Zsuzsanna Kőrösi, Éva Standeisky and János M. Rainer. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2001, pp. 69–86.

‘Kádár rejtélyek’ [Kádár enigmas]. Élet és Irodalom, January 18, 2002 (with Tibor Huszár and Magdolna Baráth).

‘A terrorház-jelenség’ [The Terror House Phenomenon]. Magyar Hírlap, March 2, 2002.

Woodrow Wilson Center Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 38, 51 pp. Washington DC, 2002.

‘Regime Change and the Tradition of 1956’. In: András Bozóki (ed.), The Roundtable Talks of 1989. The Genesis of Hungarian Democracy. Budapest: CEU Press, 2002, pp. 211–22.

‘Nagy, családi levelező. Kedves, Jó Kádár Elvtárs! Válogatás Kádár János levelezéséből, 1954–1989. Szerk. Huszár Tibor. Osiris Kiadó, 2002’ [Great Family Correspondent. Dear, Good Comrade Kádár! Selection from the Correspondence of János Kádár, 1954–89. Ed. Tibor Huszár. Budapest: Osiris, 2002]. Élet és Irodalom, May 18, 2002 (review).

‘Történészbeszédmód egy letűnt századról [Mitoszok, legendák és tévhitek a 20. századi magyar történelemről. Szerk. Romsics Ignác]’ [Historian’s manner of speaking in a vanished century. [Myths, legends and misapprehensions in 20th-century Hungarian history. Ed. Ignác Romsics]. Élet és Irodalom. June 7, 2002. p. 24.

‘Esetek a magyar hírszerzés történetéből, 1957–1967’ [Cases from the history of Hungarian intelligence, 1957–67]. Rubicon, No. 6–7, 2002, pp. 50–57.

‘Der Weg der ungarischen Volksdemokratie. Das Mehrparteiensystem und seine Beseitigung 1944–1949’. In: Stefan Creuzberger and Manfred Görtemacher (eds), Gleichschaltung unter Stalin? Die Entwicklung der Parteien im östlichen Europa 1944–1949. Paderborn etc.: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2002, pp. 319–52.

‘La memoria del 1956’. In: Grafitti ungherese. Catalogue compiled by Judit Pintér, Umberto Rossi et al. Trieste: Volpe & Sain Communicazione, 2002, pp. 27–9.

‘Magyarország a Szovjetunió árnyékában 1944–1990’ [Hungary in the Shadow of the Soviet Union, 1944–90]. In: Levente Püski and Tibor Valuch (eds), Mérlegen a XX. századi magyar történelem—értelmezések és értékelések [20th-Century Hungarian History on the Scales—Interpretations and Assessments]. Budapest/Debrecen: History Institute of the Debrecen University Faculty of Arts/1956 Institute, 2002, pp. 203–15.

‘Lemerülés vagy megkapaszkodás? Idősb es ifjabb Antall József az 1956 utáni években’ [Sinking or clinging on? József Antall Senior and Junior in the years after 1956]. In: Évkönyv X, 2002. Magyarország a jelenkorban [Yearbook 10, 2002. Hungary in the Present]. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2002, pp. 135–68.

‘Másnap. Az intézményesült emlék(ezés)—1989–1992’ [Next Day. Institutionalized Memory/Recollection—1989–92]. In: Évkönyv X, 2002. Magyarország a jelenkorban [Yearbook 10, 2002. Hungary in the Present]. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2002, pp. 251–7.

Életjelek—ezerkilencszázhatvannyolc (Signs of life—1968). In: János M. Rainer and Éva Standeisky, eds, Évkönyv X. 2003 Magyarország a jelenkorban (Yearbook X [? XI.] Hungary in the present period. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003, 18–32.

Ahogyan a történész látja (As a historian sees it). In: Király, Béla, Piroska Balogh and Tamás Vitek, eds, Iratok az emigrációról 1957–1990 (Writings on the emigré community, 1957–90). Budapest: ARP, 134–44, 2003.

Nagy Imre életműve (I. N.’s life’s work). In: Király, Béla, ed., A forradalom folytatása Ázsiában 1961 (Continuation of the revolution in Asia, 1961). Budapest: ARP, 12–33, 2003.

A terrorháza-jelenség (The Terror House phenomenon). In: Galántai, Csaba, ed., Mi újság, Terror Háza? (What’s up, Terror House?). Budapest: Masszi Kiadó, 112–14, 2003.

Egy „kompromisszum” hétköznapjai – jelenetek a hatvanas évekből. Antall József és az állambiztonság embere (Daily life of a ‘compromise’—scenes of the 1960s. J. A. and the state-security man). In: Rainer, János M., ed. Múlt századi hétköznapok. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2003, 270–298, 2003.

Jugoszlávia és az 1956-os magyar forradalom és szabadságharc (Yugoslavia and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence). Távlatok I:1, 51–7, June 2003.

Életjelek – ezerkilencszázhatvannyolc (Signs of life—1968). In: Rainer, János M., and Éva Standeisky, eds, Magyarország a jelenkorban. Évkönyv XI. 2003, Budapest: 1956 Institute,18–32, 2003.

Modern Magyarország—régi lapokon (Modern Hungary on old postcards). Book review. Élet és Irodalom January 2, 2004.

A politikai diagnoszta [Bibó István] (Political diagnostician [IB]). Rubicon 4:5–8, 2004.

Nagy Imre. Életrajzi kronológia (IM. Biographical chronology). História 1:i–viii, 2004.

A „hatvanas évek” Magyarországon. (Politika)történeti közelítések (The Sixties in Hungary. [Political] historical approaches). In: János M. Rainer, ed., „Hatvanas évek” Magyarországon. Tanulmányok (The Sixties in Hungary. Studies). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 11–30.

With István Molnár Iscsu and Réka Sárközy: A hatvanas évek világa. [Fotóesszé] (World of the Sixties. Photographic essay). In: János M. Rainer, ed., „Hatvanas évek” Magyarországon. Tanulmányok (The Sixties in Hungary. Studies). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 339–54.

Szimbolikus sír Párizsban (Symbolic grave in Paris). História 5:24–5, 2004.

Előszó (Foreword). In: Adrienne Molnár, selected and compiled, A „hatvanas évek” emlékezete. Az Oral History Archívum gyűjteményéből (Memory of the Sixties. From the collections of the Oral History Archive). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 9–12.

A „hatvanas évek” Magyarországon (The Sixties in Hungary). Rubicon 8–9:4–15, 2004. Célkeresztben. Antall József és az állambiztonság embere (In the firing line. JA and the state security man). Rubicon 8–9:56–63, 2004.

Mit is lehetne most csinálni? [Az állambiztonsági iratok nyilvánosságáról] (What’s to be done now? Publicity for the state security archives). Magyar Hírlap Kompakt, December 13, 2004.

A hálózati ember – töredékek egy portréhoz. „Kátai György” (The network man—fragments towards a portrait. ‘György Kátai’). János M. Rainer and Éva Standeisky, eds, Évkönyv XII. 2004.

Magyarország a jelenkorban (Yearbook XII. Hungary in the present period). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 53–76.

Nagy Imre utolsó szavai. Film és dokumentum (IM’s last words. Film and document). História 10:25–31, 2004.

Ungarn im Schatten der Sowjetunion 1944 bis 1990: Determinanten und Spielräume. In Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismus-forschung 2006, Berlin, 2006, Aufbau-Verlag, 66-92. p.

Imre Nagy: Life and Image. The Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. XLVII, No. 183, Autumn, 2006, 62-74. pp.

Imre Nagy. La vie aprés la mort. La Nouvelle Alternative, vol. 21., no. 69-70., juin-septembre 2006, pp. 93-112.

The Sixteen-Point Program and the Demonstrations in Its Support. In Lee Congdon, Béla K. Király, Károly Nagy (eds.). 1956: The Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence. Boulder - Highland Lakes, 2006, Social Science Monographs - Atlantic Research and Publications, 243-262. pp.

Imre Nagy: The Leader and Martyr of 1956. In Lee Congdon, Béla K. Király, Károly Nagy (eds.). 1956: The Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence. Boulder - Highland Lakes, 2006, Social Science Monographs - Atlantic Research and Publications, 763-796. pp.

A Progress of Ideas: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956. In Dan Catanus - Vasile Buga (coordinatori): Putere si societate. Lagarul comunist sub impactul destalinizarii 1956. Bucuresti, 2006, Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului, 317-339. pp.

Die Ungarische Revolution 1956. In Ibolya Murber, Zoltán Fónagy (herausg.): Die Ungarische Revolution und Österreich 1956. Wien, 2006, Czernin Verlag, 19-45. pp.

1956: The mid-20th Century Seen from the Vantage Point of the Beginning of the Next Century. Europa-Asia Studies, Vol. 58, No. 8, December 2006, pp. 1189-1198.

Heroes, „pasts”, participants, people – Hungary, 1989. In Robert Stradling (ed.): Crossroads of European histories. Multiple outlooks on five key moments in the history of Europe. Strasbourg, 2006, Council of Europe Publishing, 325-332. pp.

Intersecting Lives – Imre Nagy and János Kádár in 1956. Hungarian Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2006, 199-207. p.

Obsessed with 1956. András Nagy: A Bang-Jensen-ügy. The Hungarian Quarterly, Vol.XLVIII, No. 185, Spring 2007, 109-114. pp.

The Effect of Charter ’77 on the Hungarian Political Opposition Movement. In Markéta Devátá, Jiri Suk, Oldrich Tuma (eds.), Charta 77. Od obhajoby lidskych práv k demokratické revoluci. 1977-1989. Sbornik z konference k 30. vyrocí Charty 77. Praha, 21-23. brezna 2007. – Charter 77. From the Assertion of Human Rights to a Democratic Revolution, 1977-89. The proceedings of the conference to mark the 30th anniversary of Charter 77. Prague, 21-23 March 2007. Praha, [2007], Ustav pro soudobé dejiny AV CR, 293-300.

Violence and Resistance in Hungary before 1956. In Péter László – Rady, Martin (eds.): Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution in Hungary and central Europe: Commemorating 1956. London, 2008, Hungarian Cultural Centre, University College London, 191-198. pp.

1956: The mid-20th Century Seen from the Vantage Point of the Beginning of the Next Century. In Terry Cox (ed.), Challenging Communism in Eastern Europe. 1956 and its Legacy. London – New York, 2008, Routledge, 1-10.

The effect of Charter '77 on the Hungarian political opposition movement. In: Devátá, Markéta, Jiri Suk and Oldrich Tuma, eds.: Charta 77. Od obhajoby lidskych práv k demokratické revoluci. 1977-1989. Sbornik z konference k 30. vyrocí Charty 77. Praha, 21-23. brezna 2007./Charter '77. From the assertion of human rights to a democratic revolution, 1977-89. Proceedings of the conference to mark the 30th anniversary of Charter 77. Prague, 21-23 March 2007. Prague: Ustav pro soudobé dejiny AV CR, 2007, 293-300.

A kihallgatószobától a vesztőhelyig (From interrogation room to place of execution). In Dornbach, Alajos, et al., eds: op. cit., 63-112.

A Nagy Imre-per-ötven év távlatából (The Imre Nagy trial-50 years on). Élet és Irodalom 2008:25.
Válasz G. Vass Istvánnak (Reply to István G. Vass). Élet és Irodalom, 2008: 27.

Prága-Korcula-Budapest, 1968. augusztus 21. (Prague-Korcula-Budapest, August 21, 1968). Élet és Irodalom, 2008:32.

"Ha ott lenne, ahol mi voltunk!" A Parlamentben, 1956. október 23-án este ("If you'd been where we were!" In Parliament, evening of October 23, 1956) http://www.rev.hu/portal/page/portal/rev/aktualitasok/nagyimre_19561023

Régi május, régi Nemzet (May of old, Nemzet of old). Régi Nemzet (supplement to Vasárnapi Hírek), December 22, 2008.

A shock and its aftermath. The Prague-Korcula-Budapest Triangle. The Hungarian Quarterly 49:winter 2008, 129-38.

Magyarország 1957-1967 (Hungary 1957-67). In Vince, Mátyás, ed.-in-chief: Kor-képek 1957-1967 (Portraits of an age 1957-67). Budapest: Magyar Távirati Iroda, 2008, 11-22.

1989 in Hungary and in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1989 – Year of Miracles in Hungary and Europe, Budapest, 2009, The Government of Republic of Hungary, 9-17.

Korculská deklarace k 21. srpnu 1968 a její prijetí madarskym stranickym a bezpecnostním aparátem. In: Bezpecnostní aparát, propaganda a Prazské jaro. Praha, 2009, Ustav pro Studium Totalitních Rezimu, 251-260.

Protest korczulski z 21 sierpnia 1968 roku w oczach aparatu partyjnego i sluzby bezpieczenstwa na Wegrzech. In Aparat bezpieczenstwa, propaganda a prazska wiosna. Praha – Warszawa, 2009, Ustav pro Studium Totalitních Rezimu – Instytut Pamieci Naroda, 267-277.

Revisiting Hungarian Stalinism. In Tismaneanu, Vladimir (ed.), Stalinism Revisited
The Establishment of Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe. Budapest, 2009, CEU Press, 331-353.

Die „Sechziger Jahre” in Ungarn. (Politisch-)geschichtliche Konvergenzen. In Rainer M. János (Hrsg.): „Die Sechziger Jahre” in Ungarn. Herne, 2009, Gabriele Schaefer Verlag, 13-38. p.

Az én nyolcvankilencem (My '89). 168 óra, February 12, 2009, pp. 24-5.

Temetetlen holtak. Újratemetés 1989 (Unburied bodies. Reburial 1989). Rubicon 2009:3, pp. 60-69.

1989 Magyarországon és Kelet-Közép-Európában (1989 in Hungary and East-Central Europe). In: 1989-A csodák éve Magyarországon és Európában (1989-year of miracles in Hungary and Europe). Budapest: Magyar Köztársaság Kormánya, 2009, pp. 8-16.

A Nagy Imre-per-ötven év távlatából (The Imre Nagy trial-fifty years on). In: Virág, György, ed.: OKRI Szemle (National Criminological Institute Review). Budapest: Országos Kriminológiai Intézet, 2009, pp. 101-9.

Magyarország 1989-1994 (Hungary 1989-94). In: Vince, Mátyás, ed.-in-chief: Kor-képek 1989-1994 (Pictures of a period 1989-94). Budapest: Magyar Távirati Iroda, 2009, pp. 9-20 (in English pp. 336-42).

Kortörténet (Stories of a period) 1945-9, 1956, 1988-2005. MTI Archívum, Hírek (News) 1945-9, 1956, 1988-2005. http://archiv1945-1949.mti.hu/Pages/PDFkortrt2.htm; http://archiv1956.mti.hu/Pages/PDFkortrt4.htm; http://archiv1988-2005.mti.hu/kor/kor.html

C. Publications of source materials

‘Formation of the Provisional Representative Assemblies in Kispest and Újpest in 1945’ (in Hungarian). In: Proceedings of the Budapest Capital City Library ’84 Budapest: Budapest Capital City Archives, 1985, pp. 19–40.

‘The Mosonmagyaróvár Affair—Concept and Reality’ (in Hungarian). Beszélő, No. 19, 1987, pp. 64–91 (anonymously). Reprinted in Beszélő Collected Edition Vol. II, compiled by Fanny Havas. Budapest: AB Beszélő Kiadó, 1992, pp. 664–91.

‘Parties and Literature. Writings of László Németh in 1956’ (in Hungarian). História, No. 1–2, 1989, pp. 58–60.

‘"He Who Speaks, Speaks to His Head…" From the Daily Events of the Armed Organizations in the Spring of 1957’ (with Imre Mécs, in Hungarian). Beszélő, No. 27, 1989. Reprinted in Beszélő Collected Edition Vol. II, compiled by Fanny Havas. Budapest: AB Beszélő Kiadó, 1992, pp. 863–77.

‘The Two Submissions by Imre Nagy in 1957’ (in Hungarian). Világosság, No. 10, 1992, pp. 758–65.

‘"Consultations". Documents of the Two Moscow Meetings of the Hungarian and Soviet Party Leaders in 1954–5’ (with Károly Urbán, in Hungarian). Múltunk, No. 4, 1992, pp. 124–48.

‘1956—The Other Side of the Story. Five Documents from the Yeltsin File’. The Hungarian Quarterly, No. 129, 1993, pp. 100–114.

‘Imre Nagy: Stormy Generation (extracts)’ (in Hungarian). Holmi, No. 10, 1993, pp. 1374–89.

‘Telegram to Comrade "Filippov". Mátyás Rákosi’s Messages to Stalin’s Secretariat, 1949–52’ (in Hungarian). In: Yearbook VI 1998. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, pp. 103–18.

D. Films and video films (in Hungarian)

We Fought Our Fight… Irodalmi Újság 1950–89. Fekete Doboz, 1990–91, director and camera: András Dér, 60 + 60 minutes (expert adviser, reporter). Shown on Hungarian TV 1, October 1991.

The Life and Immortality of Imre Nagy. Hungarian TV, 1996, 50 + 63 minutes, director: Róbert Bohó (scriptwriter, expert adviser). Shown on Hungarian TV 1, June 7 and 9, 1996.

Investigation into a Case of Kidnapping. ARTE 7, 1996, 35 minutes, director: Peter Kassowitz (expert adviser, narrator). Shown on Duna TV, December 1996).

Kádár János nyugdíjba megy [János Kádár Retires]. director: Zsuzsa Méry. (expert adviser) Budapest, 1956-os Kht.and T & S Kulturális Stúdió Bt. 45’.

As expert adviser: Üzemi baleset. Történetek a Kádár-korszak tájékoztatáspolitikájáról (Industrial accident. Information-policy events of the Kádár period), 79 minutes. Documentary. Director: Judit M. Topits, 2003.

As historical adviser: A temetetlen halott – Nagy Imre naplója (The unburied—diary of IM). Cameo film, 137 minutes. Director: Márta Mészáros, 2004

Forró ősz a hidegháborúban – Magyarország 1956-ban [A Fiery Autumn in the Cold War—Hungary in 1956] Hungarian and with English, German, French, Italian, Roman, Slowak subtitles . A documentary film. Written by János M. Rainer, sound: Gábor Giret, editor: Péter Rostás, narrator: Erzsébet Kútvölgyi, directed by Judit Kóthy and Judit Topits, producer: Réka Sárközy
Budapest, 1956-os Intézet, 2006, 56 min. HUF 3000